Where I've Been

Sunday, June 27, 2010

.....Ah can't think of a title for this post

It’s been a long time since I have wrote here is the break down in what has happened since then.
- Raced
- Hurt my back and couldn’t race
- Rode the track
- Raced Westside (back gotten better)
- Packed up my car and drove a long 9 hours to Calgary (4 hours faster than my ETA on my GPS
- Drove home to Saskatoon the next day
- Did the Tuesday nighter the day I got home… can you say keener
- Raced Regina with the boys
- Home for a couple days
- Left for Banff
- Got sick and wasn’t able to race Banff
- Tried to get better
- Tuesday : hardest work out ever
- Wednesday: correction today hardest work out of the year
- Beautiful lighting and thunder storm
- 15km time trial
Well this is up to date with all the more important things that when on in the life in the last 4 weeks or so. This, people is my life so exciting. I haven’t traveled anywhere that has been crazy interesting. I am thinking about going to Australia in the fall for a while. I might not even do school this year.
The next big race that I’m doing is Nationals and I will be leaving in the next couple of days. I will try to write a bit about it afterwards but I might not have time cause I will be driving straight to BC the day Nationals is all done.

Wish me luck

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